Activate Massage Clinic is now offering pregnancy massage!!
Pregnancy massage is the prenatal use of massage therapy to support the physiologic, structural, and emotional well-being of mother and fetus. Recent research suggests massage therapy may provide benefits throughout a woman's pregnancy, as well as during labor, childbirth and post-partum. Massage may also play a role in reducing pain intensity, increasing a woman's sense of control and improving satisfaction with the childbirth experience. There are studies that reveal hand and foot massage helped women undergoing caesarean delivery reduce postoperactive pain, anxiety and stress. Massage can also improve postpartum sleep.
Other benefits include:
Helps mitigate leg, foot or hand discomforts
Reduces pain in low back, pelvis or hips
Supports cardiac function, placental & mammary development
Reduce edema and high blood pressure
Severe nausea
Continual abdominal pain
Sudden gush of water
Frequent burning urination
Increased & unusual thirst with reduced urination and blurred vision (dehydration)
Spotting or bleeding
Tendency to clot of hemorrhage
Obtain a release form from a PCP before booking your massage if you are experiencing any of the following:
High risk pregnancy
Mother has used fertility methods or difficulty getting pregnant
Under the age of 20 or over 35
Had a miscarriage in the first trimester of previous pregnancies
Cardiac disorders
History of problems in pregancy
Book your prenatal session or purchase a gift certificate today!